Application evaluation process completed by the Certification contract review team.
Determine the risk category of organisation.
Determine audit duration times.
Selection of auditor and/or audit team ensuring the suitability, technical range, no conflict of interest.
Review of clients, Quality Plans, HACCP, PRP, and/or other Plans for the quality assurance of the product.
Conduct product compliance audits. This may include sampling and inspections and testing of the product to ensure it meets the Halal requirements specifications.
Internal evaluation process of Halal certification based on auditor’s recommendations. Approval sign-off by the Certification Evaluation Committee consisting of the Certification Manager, Islamic Affairs expert, and one other.
Captured within the Organisation’s file.
Issue Certificates and approval to use NHASA’s Halal Label on food stuffs.
Update webite and Certified Orgs Register.
Notify the appropriate authorities.