Halal Certification Scheme


This document aims to ensure that correct Halal Certification processes are in compliance with the requirements of the MS1500:2009 JAKIM, Singapore Muis Halal Quality Management System (HalMQ) and a set of systems-based Halal requirements; Indonesia’s a) Indonesia’s 7 principles; Halal Product Assurance Criteria System (SJPH) Kepkaban 57/2021 & Kepkaban 20/2023 – Requirements of Halal Certification Standards as a practical guidance for the preparation and handling of halal food. Above all, these requirements ensure that the Halal products will comply with the accepted standards for production of Halal food, meats and other products for Muslim consumers under Islamic Sharia’ laws.

The goal of this Certification Guidelines is to have a uniform format for certifying companies for approval of NHASA Halal Certification.


The NHASA’s Certification Guidelines stipulates that its Halal Certification shall satisfy the requirements and process for the issuance of Halal certification to companies or establishments seeking Halal Certification in conformance to the requirements of other legislative and regulatory requirements which NHASA has adopted to ensure conformity of Halal requirements and Halal Assurance standards.

The scope of NHASA’s Halal Certification covers the requirements including identification and separation procedures of the livestock, Halal Slaughter and dressing as required by:

  1. Indonesia’s 7 principles; Halal Product Assurance Criteria System (SJPH) Kepkaban 57/2021 & Kepkaban 20/2023
  2. Malaysian (JAKIM) Standard
  3. Singapore (MUIS) Standard
  4. The Central Islamic Committee of Thailand (CICOT) Halal Standards
  5. EGAC GSO 2055 – 2, UAE 2055 – 2

NHASA will only certify establishments that comply with the criteria stipulated by NHASA during the application assessment process in the following categories:

Category Codes Categories Example of Sectors
C Processing 1 (Perishable animal products) includes all activities after farming. e.g. animal slaughtering , poultry, eggs. dairy and fish
D Processing 2 (Perishable vegetable products) fresh fruits;fresh juices; preserved fruits; fresh vegetables;preserved vegetables
E Processing 3 (Products with long shelf life at room temperature canned products; biscuits; snacks; Oil; drinking water; beverages; pasta; flour; sugar; salt
G Food Service hotels; restaurants